Create a Fund
- Create a Fund
- Donor Advised Funds
- Endowment Funds
- Supporting Organizations
- Special Project Funds
- Organization Endowment Funds
- Scholarships
- McLean Legacy Society
The CREATE Foundation wants to make your giving experience as easy and meaningful as possible. Whether you make a single gift, set up a fund or foundation, or plan for your charitable legacy.
Select the giving option that is best for you, your family or your business:
Start or contribute to a fund with:
- Cash, check, or credit card
- Appreciated stock
- IRA rollover
- Bequest
- Real estate or personal property
- Charitable trusts and gift annuities
- Life insurance
- Business interests
- Retirement assets
Donor advised funds are a simple, effective tool for making charitable donations. You simply establish the fund, then make contributions and grant recommendations at your convenience. Gifts are tax deductible at the time they are made to CREATE Foundation, even though distributions may be made in the future. Record keeping and tax reporting are consolidated for the donor by CREATE. CREATE donors have utilized their Donor Advised Funds to support their churches, public schools and universities, and countless non-profit organizations.
Why Establish a Donor Advised Fund?
- EASY: We manage the fund – and take care of all the paperwork — so you can enjoy giving without the administrative hassles.
- PERSONAL: You direct your gifts to the organizations or projects that are meaningful to you. We’re here to guide you if you want, or we can leave it completely up to you to select the nonprofits you support if you wish.
- CONVENIENT: You can monitor your balance, make grant recommendations and add to your fund online - whenever it's best for you.
- PRIVATE: Your gifts can be anonymous if you like, or your grants can be acknowledged to inspire others to give. You choose.
- IMPACTFUL: As a community of givers, donors at the CREATE Foundation are catalysts for real and lasting change in our region.
Contact us at 662.844.8989 or
Long Distributors Corinth Advised Fund
I became interested in CREATE’s donor advised funds after a friend told me about it. Our family business has a history of making charitable contributions, usually at the end of our fiscal year. Of course, some donations are made throughout the year, but most of our giving occurs after the close of our annual business year. In the past, we sometimes had the capability to make some significant gifts, but we didn’t have enough time to evaluate possible recipients since we were facing a tax deadline. Now, we have the luxury of contributing to a CREATE donor advised fund, receiving an immediate tax deduction, and then taking adequate time to decide the best use of our charitable dollars.
We can easily make recommendations for our donor advised fund online and CREATE handles all the details very efficiently. This process worked so well, Penny and I quickly opened a personal donor advised fund, and it has given us similar flexibility. Of course, we still make some gifts directly, but the donor advised fund also allows us to accumulate funds for larger gifts at a later time, which is a very good approach for us.
I became interested in CREATE’s donor advised funds after a friend told me about it. Our family business has a history of making charitable contributions, usually at the end of our fiscal year. Of course, some donations are made throughout the year, but most of our giving occurs after the close of our annual business year. In the past, we sometimes had the capability to make some significant gifts, but we didn’t have enough time to evaluate possible recipients since we were facing a tax deadline. Now, we have the luxury of contributing to a CREATE donor advised fund, receiving an immediate tax deduction, and then taking adequate time to decide the best use of our charitable dollars.
We can easily make recommendations for our donor advised fund online and CREATE handles all the details very efficiently. This process worked so well, Penny and I quickly opened a personal donor advised fund, and it has given us similar flexibility. Of course, we still make some gifts directly, but the donor advised fund also allows us to accumulate funds for larger gifts at a later time, which is a very good approach for us.
- Randy and Penny Long
Maloney Management, LLC
Maloney Management is the parent company for Century Construction Group, Inc. and Maloney Glass and Door. Throughout the years, our employees have given to serve others in our company and the surrounding community as needs have arisen. As our companies and employee base grew, we desired to have a way to more easily meet needs and serve our community. CREATE has given us an opportunity to accomplish this through our corporate donor-advised fund we call Reinforce, in which our employees make contributions individually and are combined with our corporate donations. In our industry, the term ‘reinforce’ is often used a great deal to describe strengthening or supporting a foundation, wall, or structure with additional resources or materials. Our desire through this fund is to strengthen and support our community, and we are grateful for our partnership with CREATE to give us that avenue to do so.
Maloney Management is the parent company for Century Construction Group, Inc. and Maloney Glass and Door. Throughout the years, our employees have given to serve others in our company and the surrounding community as needs have arisen. As our companies and employee base grew, we desired to have a way to more easily meet needs and serve our community. CREATE has given us an opportunity to accomplish this through our corporate donor-advised fund we call Reinforce, in which our employees make contributions individually and are combined with our corporate donations. In our industry, the term ‘reinforce’ is often used a great deal to describe strengthening or supporting a foundation, wall, or structure with additional resources or materials. Our desire through this fund is to strengthen and support our community, and we are grateful for our partnership with CREATE to give us that avenue to do so.
- Colin Maloney, President
Orma and Terre Smith
“To whom much is given, much is expected. When we are gone we will only be remembered for what we did while we were here,” said George Taylor at the 2013 Create Fall Summit. When I heard George Taylor utter these words I realized that I had much to learn. I was sitting in the room full of titans of North Mississippi…Sandy & Kenneth Williams, Jack Reed, Sr., Bobby Martin and so many more, men and women who had given so much to so many. All I could think was, I will never be able to do what these people have done. My next thought was, we need to raise up a new generation of families who will care about our state and regions as much as these men and women do.
George then began to explain how he and his wife used the Donor Advised Fund at CREATE to distribute their gifts. So I went home and told my wife Terre, “We are going to need to give more.” In January 2014 we opened our Donor Advised Fund. It has been such a blessing to be able to say yes when people ask us to help out different charities. I just go to the Donor Central Website and make a request and rest in the assurance that the check will be delivered timely and accurately. It has really simplified our life at tax time too. No more having to go through the checkbook and find every check. It all comes in one statement. I want to encourage everyone to open a Donor Advised Fund. Start out with a small amount and increase it every year. We have truly become joyful givers. I hope the Donor Advised Fund will be as rich a blessing to you and it has been to Terre and me.
Terry and Kathy Jackson
Kathy and I are not natives of north Mississippi, so when we moved to Tupelo we didn’t have knowledge of our new community’s needs. Our friend, Dudley Weathers, introduced us to the CREATE Foundation. Through our work with the foundation, we began to gain an appreciation for our community’s needs and how well CREATE helped meet those needs. Throughout the years, CREATE’s staff has been eager to share information on many worthy charitable organizations with us. We have utilized a donor advised fund to support many of those charities that are dearest to our hearts. We believe the donor advised fund is a great tool to reach areas of our community that need our help. We would recommend this type of fund to anyone.
Jack Brown and Family
Before our family entered into a partnership with CREATE Foundation, the financial support we provided to ministries and agencies had to be contributed before the end of the year to be deductible for tax purposes. However, that did not always fit our timing and desires. A friend suggested a donor advised fund administered by CREATE, which has worked well for our business and family for a number of reasons. First, we can disburse funds immediately to those organizations we participate in and have funds in reserve to distribute throughout the subsequent year as needs and opportunities arise. We are able to sponsor opportunities such as community events, mission trips, and other requests because of the flexibility our donor advised fund allows. Second, a simple phone call or email request results in efficient and prompt payment by CREATE, which is either mailed to us or directly to the organization.
Since there is not a charge for this service, 100% of the funds disbursed go directly to the ministries and organizations we support. This feature of a donor advised fund saves us a significant amount of time and effort. Finally, the ease and accessibility of his historical recordkeeping is an added benefit. Our family typically reviews previous year’s contributions provided by CREATE in a simple, easy-to-read format and makes adjustments and additions based on the availability of this information. At year-end, which is generally a busy time, the ability to quickly request and review historical information is convenient and helpful. Our decision to open a donor advised fund at CREATE Foundation has been a good one for us. It allows our family and business to contribute to our community, the nation, and the world easily and conveniently.
Chad and May Margaret Case Donor Advised Fund
My wife and I have always believed in supporting and giving back to our community. Throughout our marriage, we have traveled our great state and found numerous organizations we believe in and support. From local parks, churches, hospitals and academic institutions, we have a passion to assist where and when we can. After opening a donor-advised fund, we discovered CREATE shares many of the same feelings. CREATE has made the process of supporting these organizations so much easier. They work hand-in-hand with us to fulfill our desired gifts. In addition to the local support, we have recently discovered the advantages of using CREATE to help us support national organizations. CREATE was able to help us identify the proper relief organizations to send support for the unexpected floods that hit our nation. They moved quickly and guided us to fulfill all our requests. Another great amenity CREATE provides is the ability to set-up recurring support (monthly or yearly) to any organization. CREATE handles all the specific aspects of the process and makes sure every detail is covered. CREATE has enhanced our gifting experience. It is our hope that our children follow our steps and not only support their local communities but use CREATE to do so.
- Chad, Mary Margaret, Aubrey, Kitty & Mary Mac Case
Amanda Kathleen B. Dalton & Frank Trice Dalton Advised Fund
The simple act of giving is something that is learned and developed throughout a lifetime. For me, that lesson began at home at a very early age. My parents were extremely generous people, freely giving time, talents, and resources. This principle was reinforced at worship, where everyone was expected to place something in the offering plate. Growing up in Tupelo, I was surrounded by a community that openly encouraged citizens to give back through service to others. The CREATE Foundation is the very embodiment of this spirit of giving. The Foundation has grown and expanded with affiliates over most of Northeast Mississippi, including Corinth and Alcorn County, which I now call home. This is why my husband, Frank, and I decided to use the donor advised program at CREATE as the primary vehicle for our giving. This type of fund simplified our ability to give to all manner of organizations, whether local or national. Bookkeeping is centralized, making tax reporting very easy, and the Foundation stays abreast of any applicable changes in tax law. There are no fees associated with the account and every gift made is self-directed. Donations can be scheduled, or spontaneous if a need arises. All can be accomplished with a brief email communication.
The staff at CREATE is very knowledgeable and approachable. My first inquiry was answered immediately and a five-minute conversation with Ms. Juanita Floyd was all it took for me to know that a donor advised fund was right for us. Frank and I have been blessed to live and work in northeast Mississippi and we feel strongly that giving back in some small way is just the right thing to do. CREATE Foundation has made this possible in a very simple, effective way.
- Amanda & Frank Dalton
In photos: Katie Dalton, Amanda Kathleen B. Dalton, and Frank Trice Dalton
In photos: Katie Dalton, Amanda Kathleen B. Dalton, and Frank Trice Dalton
The simple act of giving is something that is learned and developed throughout a lifetime. For me, that lesson began at home at a very early age. My parents were extremely generous people, freely giving time, talents, and resources. This principle was reinforced at worship, where everyone was expected to place something in the offering plate. Growing up in Tupelo, I was surrounded by a community that openly encouraged citizens to give back through service to others. The CREATE Foundation is the very embodiment of this spirit of giving. The Foundation has grown and expanded with affiliates over most of Northeast Mississippi, including Corinth and Alcorn County, which I now call home. This is why my husband, Frank, and I decided to use the donor advised program at CREATE as the primary vehicle for our giving. This type of fund simplified our ability to give to all manner of organizations, whether local or national. Bookkeeping is centralized, making tax reporting very easy, and the Foundation stays abreast of any applicable changes in tax law. There are no fees associated with the account and every gift made is self-directed. Donations can be scheduled, or spontaneous if a need arises. All can be accomplished with a brief email communication.
The staff at CREATE is very knowledgeable and approachable. My first inquiry was answered immediately and a five-minute conversation with Ms. Juanita Floyd was all it took for me to know that a donor advised fund was right for us. Frank and I have been blessed to live and work in northeast Mississippi and we feel strongly that giving back in some small way is just the right thing to do. CREATE Foundation has made this possible in a very simple, effective way.
- Amanda & Frank Dalton
Mary and Sam Pace Donor Advised Fund
Over the years, northeast Mississippi has been known for its philanthropy. Its citizens recognize the need to give back because we have benefited personally from living in this region. It’s both an obligation for now, and a responsibility for the future. How do we accomplish our desire to both give back and pay it forward? Volunteering our services is one method. Supporting important causes with our donations is another. You may write a check to a nonprofit on receipt of its request for funds, or go online and fill out the appropriate form. However, we have found it much simpler to make an annual planned donation to CREATE’s Advised Fund and disburse contributions from it. In December, we budget for charitable donations for the next year and place that money in our Advised Fund. Then, a phone call or email to CREATE and the funds are sent from our Advised Fund to the organization. Scheduled contributions such as weekly or monthly tithes to your church can easily be arranged. The CREATE staff is attentive, efficient and pleasant, which makes our charitable giving so much simpler. Mary and I are grateful that CREATE is here for us.
- Mary and Sam Pace
Bob and Amberly Glover Family Charitable Fund
Amberly and I were reared with a desire to strive for excellence and a keen awareness of the needs of those outside of our own families. First and foremost, that meant sharing the gospel and showing the love of Christ tothose around us. Next, we challenged ourselves to ask what changes we could affect to positively impact our community and its people? We then asked ourselves, how can we put these values squarely in focus for our children? We asked our children to help make decisions about causes we support and priorities in our charitable giving. This reasoning helped lead our family to start a donor advised fund with CREATE at the end of 2018. It has, predictably, been a fantastic decision. We now have more opportunities to talk through the giving process with our children, and even receive feedback on their priorities. For us, the giving process has never been easier. Everything is streamlined: from a single point of contact for disbursements, to tax-record keeping. Having the fund allows us to make a one-time gift to an organization, or distribute the fund to our charities of choice in the future. The DonorCentral portal offers a user-friendly way to disburse funds and track donations throughout the year. We even have the ability to set up recurring gifts through the portal. The CREATE staff is second to none. Every individual in the office does a tremendous job of working with us to ensure our vision is carried out exactly as we intend. All of the administrative needs are managed through the CREATE office. Starting a donor-advised fund has been a rewarding experience for our whole family. Our only regret is that we didn’t start one sooner!
- Bob and Amberly Glover
Russell and Lynn Gaines Advised Fund
The CREATE Foundation was the piece missing in our financial and estate planning. The people at CREATE have worked with us to customize gifts to those who are worthy, and causes for which we are passionate. The donor advised fund allows us to make one contribution of appreciated property while allowing us to take our time distributing the money, thus optimizing our tax planning. The people at CREATE make it easy and they answer questions in a timely manner. Mike Clayborne has spent many hours over the years listening to what we want to accomplish and then helping us make it happen. The experience of working with CREATE has been so positive that my wife, Lynn, and I have left the bulk of our estate to CREATE to continue to distribute once we are not here to do it ourselves. This gives us peace of mind.
- Russell and Lynn Gaines
Hassell Franklin Advised Fund
Hassell Franklin of Houston is a purpose-driven man. Charitable giving through his donor advised fund at CREATE Foundation gives him the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. Gifts are tax deductible at the time the gift is made to CREATE even though distributions are often made in the future. Gifts may be made to a variety of charitable organizations including churches, mission organizations, schools, colleges and universities, local and regional arts venues, and regional relief efforts.
Bobby P. and Barbara M. Martin Advised Fund
Bobby and Barbara Martin know the joy of giving back to their community. Their donor advised fund allows them to be a catalyst for change through giving back. It also makes it easy to keep track of all their charitable giving. It is simple to establish a fund and make contributions and grant recommendations. Both may be made online. Gifts may be made to any charitable organization the donor chooses.
Want to make a disbursement from your fund?
Click the Donor Recommendation Form PDF to download a copy.
Complete the form and mail to:
CREATE Foundation
P.O. Box 1053
Tupelo MS 38802
or fax the form to 662-844-8149.
After approval by the CREATE Board, your grant awards will be mailed to your designated charities.
Advantages of a CREATE Foundation Endowment Fund
Confidence of major donors in giving to an organization with financial strength, stability, and a well-planned investment strategy.
- Releases the organization from fiduciary responsibilities and investment decisions.
- Participation in a large endowment pool which should increase investment performance and lower investment costs.
- Assistance in marketing the endowment through CREATE publications and website.
- Assistance in working with organization donors in evaluating charitable giving options.
Establishing an endowment is a present and future investment. By establishing an endowment, benefits will be provided generation after generation for your specific area of interest as the endowed gifts keep giving over time. Many donors establish an endowment to have the opportunity to honor a loved one, colleague or mentor with a permanent reminder of their life and example.
Several assets can support endowments including, but not limited, to cash, stock gifts and property.
After endowing your fund, you may establish your own criteria for the distributions of the annual investment earnings. The rate of the spendable income is determined by the CREATE Foundation Board of Directors. This rate is a percentage of the endowment principal balance (currently 4% of the average fund balance for the twelve preceding quarters or since inception).
All gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law and donors will receive a receipt for the amount of their gift to the endowment. Endowment’s advisors are provided with a quarterly financial statement detailing contributions, disbursements, fees, gains, losses and interest accrued during the quarter. Our administrative staff provides support during your grant making process to ensure that all procedures and guidelines are followed properly.
A donor can begin an endowment by simply signing a CREATE Foundation Endowment Fund agreement and contributing a gift valuing at least $5,000.
The Judah Marshall Powell Memorial Endowment Fund
The Judah Marshall Powell Memorial Endowment Fund, Judah’s Kids, was founded in January 2018 by his parents, Matt and Andrea Powell, in partnership with Relias Healthcare and CREATE Foundation. Judah Marshall Powell was 3 years old when he died at his home on Friday, January 26, 2018, due to a sudden heart arrhythmia. When Judah went into cardiac arrest, his parents rushed him to North Mississippi Medical Center’s Emergency Department where the team of nurses and Relias Healthcare physicians (“Superheroes” as Judah would have called them) worked for over an hour to save Judah. The Judah Marshall Powell Memorial Endowment Fund was established to thank the incredible team of Superheroes at NMMC and Relias Healthcare and to minister to the families of critically ill children and other bereaved parents.
There are thousands of pediatric patients who are seen each year by North Mississippi Medical Center’s Emergency Department and Relias Healthcare Providers. Judah’s Kids will allow these patients the opportunity to receive a toy from their physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, nurse, or care coordinator and provide other support services—all while carrying on Judah’s legacy.
Jack and Frances Reed Family Endowment Fund
Our mother and father were huge fans of the CREATE Foundation. Dad was a Board Member Emeritus, and he and Mama were a team in everything they did. It wasn’t really a choice for Dad to leave funds to CREATE to start the Jack and Frances Reed Endowment; it was an inevitable conclusion for two people who believed in leaving their world better than they found it. They also believed in the power of a strong community foundation – and the CREATE Foundation is the strongest.
CREATE has been a ‘good friend’ to our family and a partner in helping us achieve our philanthropic goals. The beauty of an endowment is it will perpetuate our family’s interests for generations. Decades from now, we hope one of our great grandchildren will be talking about how the Jack and Frances Reed Endowment is still making a positive difference in the quality of life in Northeast Mississippi.
Elaine Dundy & Roy Turner Endowment for the Arts
Author Elaine Dundy came to Tupelo in 1981 to research her book, Elvis & Gladys. Roy Turner, a local Elvis historian, assisted Dundy in her research. The two formed a lasting friendship. She said she wanted to give something back to the community that helped saved her life. Upon her death, Turner set up the Elaine Dundy & Roy Turner Endowment for the Arts that supports the arts in Tupelo.
Toyota Wellspring Education Endowment Fund
The $50 million Toyota Wellspring Education Endowment Fund is for the benefit of students and educators in Pontotoc, Union, and Lee Counties. The purpose of the endowment fund is to help raise the education level of the region by providing opportunities for growth and enrichment. Dual enrollment classes that provide hands-on experience for students in healthcare, app development, aviation and other careers are just one of the current initiatives supported by the fund. The classes are offered online at high schools in Lee, Pontotoc, and Union Counties and at various onsite training venues. These career training classes offer students the opportunity to learn outside the regular classroom while gaining valuable career guidance and college credit hours.

Corinne and Benjamin Pierce
The Pierce Foundation
The Pierce Foundation was established by Corinne Pierce in memory of her husband, Benjamin, to commemorate his commitment to community and to honor his civic leadership. The total investment of the Pierce Foundation in Alcorn County has exceeded $3.4 million in grants and scholarships.
Pierce Foundation Grantees
- The Alliance Boys & Girls Club
- Corinth Area Arts Council
- Corinth Symphony Orchestra
- Corinth Theatre Arts
- Crossroads Museum
- Crosswind
- Lighthouse Foundation
- Living Free Ministries
- NE MS Business Incubation System
- Sharing Hearts
- United Way of Corinth and Alcorn County
For further information contact:

Juanita Gambrell Floyd
Senior Vice President of Finance & Administration
Phone: 662.844.8989
P.O. Box 1053
Tupelo, MS 38802
- Maintains its own separate legal non-profit status
- Maintains its own board of directors
- Maintains its own grantmaking policies
- Contributions earn maximum tax deductibility
- There is no minimum payout for grants
- No excise taxes are assessed
The Mize Foundation
The Henry Mize Foundation was established in 2003. Mr. Mize’s nephew, Paul “Buzzy” Mize, established the charitable foundation because it was his uncle’s wish to continue to provide funding to the organizations that he loved. “By establishing this foundation, Uncle Henry was certain that these meaningful institutions would continue to receive his support,” said Buzzy Mize. The 2020 Mize Foundation grants exceeded $192,000, making the total investment to our region more than $5.1 million.

Henry Mize with nephew Paul “Buzzy” Mize
Fulton Community Volunteers
The Fulton Community Volunteers is a hands-on, roll up your sleeves team and also serves as an organizational group to bring in other groups willing to do community service work.
Some of the groups include: All the Kings Men Community Organization Anchor Club, The Baptist Brotherhood, Boy Scouts City of Fulton, Street Department City of Fulton, Water and Gas Department, The Criminal Justice Society, Edelweiss Garden Club, F LCrane and Sons Specialty Contractors, Fulton Methodist Church Youth, Girl Scouts, Itawamba Agricultural High School Honors Career Technical Education, Itawamba Agricultural High School Football Team, Itawamba Community College Community Relations Department, Itawamba Community College Football Team, Itawamba Community College Forestry Club, Itawamba Community College Jazz Band, Itawamba County Sheriff’s Department Youth Offenders Program, Itawamba County Sheriff’s Department Work Release Program, Itawamba County Young Republicans, Itawamba Historical Society, Trinity Baptist Church Youth, The Red Hat Society
“We have found volunteering to be contagious; once others see that change in the community with just a little cooperation, they all want to be part of the process and pitch in to help.”
The Fulton Community Volunteers is a hands-on, roll up your sleeves team and also serves as an organizational group to bring in other groups willing to do community service work.
Some of the groups include: All the Kings Men Community Organization Anchor Club, The Baptist Brotherhood, Boy Scouts City of Fulton, Street Department City of Fulton, Water and Gas Department, The Criminal Justice Society, Edelweiss Garden Club, F LCrane and Sons Specialty Contractors, Fulton Methodist Church Youth, Girl Scouts, Itawamba Agricultural High School Honors Career Technical Education, Itawamba Agricultural High School Football Team, Itawamba Community College Community Relations Department, Itawamba Community College Football Team, Itawamba Community College Forestry Club, Itawamba Community College Jazz Band, Itawamba County Sheriff’s Department Youth Offenders Program, Itawamba County Sheriff’s Department Work Release Program, Itawamba County Young Republicans, Itawamba Historical Society, Trinity Baptist Church Youth, The Red Hat Society
“We have found volunteering to be contagious; once others see that change in the community with just a little cooperation, they all want to be part of the process and pitch in to help.”
Hope Continues
The idea for Hope Continues was conceived one day while I was riding on my bicycle. I had just learned that Susan G. Komen was no longer going to be in North Mississippi and was not having the Race for the Cure in our area. Over the years, I have come to know several of the families affected by breast cancer through the Race for the Cure, and I felt that these families needed this event to continue. Also, I wanted to continue the fundraising to help aid the clinics that offer no-cost breast health programs in North Mississippi. The first thing that I did was to call a previous sponsor of the event and ask if I started an event to replace Race for the Cure would they still want to be a sponsor. They recommended that I go through the CREATE Foundation because it was a reputable, trustworthy, and well known non-profit organization in our community. One of the things with me doing this event was to keep everything local, and CREATE being Tupelo-based and serving the same counties in northeast Mississippi that I planned to cover, it seemed to be a perfect fit.
The idea for Hope Continues was conceived one day while I was riding on my bicycle. I had just learned that Susan G. Komen was no longer going to be in North Mississippi and was not having the Race for the Cure in our area. Over the years, I have come to know several of the families affected by breast cancer through the Race for the Cure, and I felt that these families needed this event to continue. Also, I wanted to continue the fundraising to help aid the clinics that offer no-cost breast health programs in North Mississippi. The first thing that I did was to call a previous sponsor of the event and ask if I started an event to replace Race for the Cure would they still want to be a sponsor. They recommended that I go through the CREATE Foundation because it was a reputable, trustworthy, and well known non-profit organization in our community. One of the things with me doing this event was to keep everything local, and CREATE being Tupelo-based and serving the same counties in northeast Mississippi that I planned to cover, it seemed to be a perfect fit.
I have friends and family members who are breast cancer survivors, and I know friends who have lost family members to breast cancer. That is the reason why I am so passionate about this event. Every year at Race for the Cure, I ran in some type of pink tutu or off-the-wall outfit in an effort to make people smile and laugh at least just for one day because I know they have been fighting such a terrible disease. I have made many friends at these events, and have heard their stories of how breast cancer has affected them and their families. I knew that this event must continue for these families and to help raise breast cancer awareness. Also, we have ten clinics that help underserved women with no-cost mammograms and assistance after diagnosis, and I wanted those clinics to continue to do what they do. I set our goal at $50,000 dollars, and with the help of the community and our sponsors, we met our goal and were able to donate 100% of the proceeds to these ten local clinics.
With CREATE’s outstanding reputation and such a worthy cause, sponsors did not hesitate to donate to Hope Continues. CREATE was also helpful when it came time to write checks to the clinics, and we were able to get it all done in a short time. Additionally, the ability to go to CREATE’s website and make a donation seemed to be very beneficial as well. We have heard nothing but good things after the event, and we look forward to working with CREATE again this year to continue hope in North Mississippi.
- Adam Morris, Hope Continues 5K Organizer
Helping Hands of Union County
While attending church one Sunday in November several years ago, I listened to our pastor deliver a sermon about serving in our community. He encouraged each of the congregants to seek out areas of need around us, and to step out on faith and meet those needs. Immediately I thought of Thanksgiving, as it was approaching quickly. I knew our community offered food boxes for Christmas, but what about Thanksgiving? That Thanksgiving, a group of interested friends from our church and community prepared and delivered 35 meals to needy families in Union County. It was a resounding success and so began our journey to creating Helping Hands of Union County. Sometime later, during our formation process, someone suggested contacting the CREATE Foundation, as they were designed to help groups just like ours become successful. We did just that, and CREATE soon became a strong backbone for our brand-new organization and made it possible to do what we set out to do.
Since our inception, it has been our goal to offer well organized, thoughtful services and projects to help our community residents who are in need. Three of our main projects are: Bundle Up (provides needy children with winter clothes), Traveling Turkey (Thanksgiving Meals) and Christmas for Christ (clothes and toys for children). Helping Hands works closely with, and leans heavily on, our local school counselors to refer students and families to us who need assistance. They give us an appraisal of needs including coats, clothes, shoes, meals at Thanksgiving and/or extra help at Christmas. Thanks to help from CREATE, Helping Hands has been a rewarding success! This past year we were able to serve 216 kids at Christmas, 143 families for Thanksgiving, and provided coats/outfits for 101 children for Bundle Up. Our community has become very involved, with many volunteers stepping up to help, including church members, Sunday School groups, Girl Scout troops, youth groups and school organizations. Our local elementary school
students even started a canned food drive for our Thanksgiving project! We have seen many wonderful, giving hearts step forward to donate their time, effort, money and prayers to help us accomplish our goals for every project. I know the families we serve are blessed by our organization, but we are blessed even more by serving them and doing our best to be the hands and feet of Christ!!
“Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for Me.” Matthew 25:40
Home of El Roi
What started as one woman’s vision has become a reality: Home of El Roi, faith-based housing for single mothers and their children located in Alcorn County. The purpose of Home of El Roi is to reunite children with their mothers and not only provide a safe place for them to stabilize their lives, but also to teach the women how to be the best moms they can be, all while giving them a firm foundation of belief in Jesus Christ. While at Home of El Roi, women will be taught life skills, parenting skills, and employable skills as well as will have opportunities for one-on-one counseling and group therapy and there will be lots of learning opportunities for the children. No matter whether a woman comes to El Roi from a detox facility, jail, homelessness, or a toxic environment, she comes because she desires a long-term, residential, therapeutic Christian community to break generational adverse cycles and rebuild her family. Home of El Roi gets its name from the book of Genesis where Hagar, the first single mom known by name in the Bible, called God “the God who sees me” (Genesis 16:13 NIV), when God demonstrated His love and care for single mothers. Home of El Roi hopes to accept their first residents in early 2025.
The Endowment Fund is a permanent fund of support for the organization.
What are the advantages of a CREATE Foundation Endowment Fund?
- Confidence of major donors in giving to an organization with financial strength, stability, and a well-planned investment strategy.
- Releases the organization from fiduciary responsibilities and investment decisions.
- Participation in a large endowment pool which should increase investment performance and lower investment costs.
- Assistance in marketing the endowment through CREATE publications and website.
- Assistance in working with organization donors in evaluating charitable giving options.
Lee County Library
The Lee County Library was established on September 2, 1941. The current facility of 38,500 square feet provides materials suitable for the general public in adult, young adult, and children’s departments. The library also houses a genealogy and local history collection, as well as a meeting room for public use. The Library obtained its first bookmobile in 1942, which provided much-needed reading material to rural areas and to school-aged children. The Bookmobile continues to visit early literacy centers, primary and elementary schools, and provides access to communities throughout Lee County. The year 2016 marks a historic milestone in the history of Tupelo and Lee County – it is the 75th anniversary of the Lee County Library.
The Berry Endowment
The Berry Endowment was established in December 1986 with a gift from Dr. C. K. Avent and Robert W. Avent in memory of Emily W. Berry, Julius G. Berry and Manie L. Berry. Income from the Endowment is used to support authorized educational activities such as workshops, seminars, and lectures to be given at the Lee County Library.
Walker-McGill Endowment
The Walker McGill Endowment was established by bequest of John “Jack” Donald McGill, Jr. and Frances Walker McGill. Income from the Endowment is used to purchase genealogical books, records, materials, and equipment for use in the Genealogical Section of the Lee County Library.
Helen Foster Endowment
The Helen Foster Endowment was established by bequest of Mrs. Helen Eaves Foster. Income from the Endowment is used to purchase equipment for the Helen Foster Room, and for providing lectures, music, and similar cultural programs to the citizens of Lee County at the Lee County Library. For more than 40 years the citizens of Lee County have enjoyed a varied and renowned set of speakers during Helen Foster Lectures at the Lee County Library.
Lee County Library Endowment
The Lee County Library Endowment was established in July 1989. Initial funding of the Endowment was provided by many of Lee County’s leading citizens through the Lee County Library Development Campaign and from a bequest of John “Jack” Donald McGill, Jr. and Frances Walker McGill. The income from the Endowment provides funding for special, innovative library programs and services over and above those normally provided by the library; for the purpose of special books and other library materials not covered by normal library operating budgets; for the purpose of particularly needed materials and equipment not covered by normal library operating budgets; and to provide educational assistance to library employees seeking to improve their job skills.
Mr. And Mrs. O.T. Ray Endowment – First Baptist Church of Pontotoc
The Ray family of Pontotoc has a deep history of supporting church-based ministries. They are longtime members of the First Baptist Church of Pontotoc and are very philanthropic. Some areas they have supported include scholarships at Blue Mountain College and a fund at their church to support Lottie Moon and other missions.
To maximize the potential of the fund set up at First Baptist Church Pontotoc, the treasurers of the church decided to move the fund to CREATE Foundation. They felt this was the best approach to ensure continuity and growth of the fund for generations to come.
To honor the family legacy of donating to church missions, the children of O.T. and Elizabeth Ray, along with their spouses, supported the establishment of the endowment fund at CREATE. The donors, Mae and Ray Stark along with Ann and Dr. David Sneed, have established this permanent fund in memory of their parents, Elizabeth and O.T. Ray, to support their parent’s church, volunteer efforts, and missions.
The Ray family of Pontotoc has a deep history of supporting church-based ministries. They are longtime members of the First Baptist Church of Pontotoc and are very philanthropic. Some areas they have supported include scholarships at Blue Mountain College and a fund at their church to support Lottie Moon and other missions.
To maximize the potential of the fund set up at First Baptist Church Pontotoc, the treasurers of the church decided to move the fund to CREATE Foundation. They felt this was the best approach to ensure continuity and growth of the fund for generations to come.
To honor the family legacy of donating to church missions, the children of O.T. and Elizabeth Ray, along with their spouses, supported the establishment of the endowment fund at CREATE. The donors, Mae and Ray Stark along with Ann and Dr. David Sneed, have established this permanent fund in memory of their parents, Elizabeth and O.T. Ray, to support their parent’s church, volunteer efforts, and missions.
Sally Kate Winters Family Services
The existence of Sally Kate Winters Family Services is evidence that one person can make a positive difference in the lives of many. SKW was formally established as Sally Kate Winters Memorial Children’s Home in 1990. Prior to that time, upon being removed from home by police officers or Child Protective Services, the only place children in our area could be taken for emergency shelter was the sheriff’s department. This deeply concerned Deputy Cassandra Smith with the Clay County Sheriff’s Department, and that was the spark of what would become Sally Kate Winters Family Services.
Since the inception of the Sally Kate Winters Memorial Children’s Home in 1990, the mission of the program has been to offer the gift of humanity, love, and respect to children traumatized by child abuse and neglect. Through the years, services were expanded to meet the identified needs of children and youth experiencing abuse, neglect, family violence, homelessness, and runaway status. Today, Sally Kate Winters Family Services offers four unique programs: Emergency Shelter Program, Runaway & Homeless Youth Program, Transitional Living Program, and the Children’s Advocacy Center.
Palmer Home for Children
Breakthroughs, sometimes big and sometimes small, happen at Palmer Home for Children every day. We see them at school, around the dinner table, and laughing on the playground. In these moments, we are encouraged by children who are overcoming painful childhood experiences. At Palmer Home, we are in communion with our children, building relationships and helping them grow physically, spiritually, educationally, and emotionally.
Our mission, for over 120 years, has been to provide superior care for children in need while introducing the love of God through service. We do this by providing long-term foster care and residential care throughout Mississippi and Tennessee.
Breakthroughs, sometimes big and sometimes small, happen at Palmer Home for Children every day. We see them at school, around the dinner table, and laughing on the playground. In these moments, we are encouraged by children who are overcoming painful childhood experiences. At Palmer Home, we are in communion with our children, building relationships and helping them grow physically, spiritually, educationally, and emotionally.
Our mission, for over 120 years, has been to provide superior care for children in need while introducing the love of God through service. We do this by providing long-term foster care and residential care throughout Mississippi and Tennessee.
We offer an array of immersive hands-on programs for children who otherwise could not be served: Palmer School, our residential school that educates our children with diverse educational needs and backgrounds; Hope Reins, our therapeutic horse program that allows our children to overcome fears and build self-esteem as they learn to ride; and TrebleMakers, our choir that allows our young children to showcase their musical talents. At Palmer Home for Children, we provide a caring family to children regardless of race, gender or background, because we believe there is no one more committed than family when it comes to rescuing and restoring the individual dreams of a child. Using our Whole Child approach to care, we address the holistic needs of every child in a family environment. We build the foundation for a lifetime of growth and development – giving them an opportunity to fulfill their personal goals and pass on their commitment to the next generation. Establishing an endowment fund with the CREATE Foundation gives us the opportunity to build on our historical legacy while investing in the next generation of vulnerable children. To date, Palmer Home has received nearly $200,000 through this partnership, which allows us to plan for expansion and the future of our organization.
To learn more about Palmer Home for Children, please visit
Tupelo Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund
For more than 40 years the Tupelo Symphony Orchestra has been dedicated to providing quality classical music for the citizens of northeast Mississippi. The Susan N. and Thomas J. McDonald Endowment for the Tupelo Symphony Orchestra helps provide support both now and in the years to come.
Boy Scouts of America Endowment Fund
Scouting offers young people character development, value-based leadership training, and responsible fun and adventure. The Yocona Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America covers 12 counties in northeast Mississippi. It is supported by more than 1100 volunteers and partners all serving approximately 6500 youth.
With a permanent endowment fund remaining with CREATE, the Yocona Area Council can continue its business of offering character development, leadership training, and outdoor adventure for future generations of youth in northeast Mississippi.
CREATE’s scholarship funds provide a way to honor and memorialize loved ones while giving deserving students the opportunity to further their education. Funds may be designated for a particular field of study, or a specific county, school, or area. Anyone interested in establishing a scholarship fund or who would like to make a donation to a fund, please contact the CREATE Foundation at (662) 844-8989.
To view our current scholarships, please click here.
Taylor Moore Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
After the passing of our son, Taylor, in May of 2000, my wife and I wanted to carry on his legacy and memory. We decided an annual scholarship award at New Albany High School would be a way to accomplish our desire as well as financially aiding a deserving graduate to continue his or her education at a Mississippi college or university. We were encouraged to contact CREATE Foundation and meet with Mike Clayborne about our interest in establishing a scholarship fund. Mike and his staff were so very helpful and understanding of our desire and after several meetings, the “Taylor Moore Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund” was established at the end of 2003. Minerva and I could not be more pleased with how the CREATE staff aided us in the setup and administering of this scholarship fund which will continue for the future.”
- Bobby and Minerva Moore
New Albany, Mississippi
Kim Green Scholarship
Kim Green was a blessing to others, especially those young children in her classroom. As she struggled with her illness, I saw her continue to be very determined to make a difference in the lives of her students. I knew there had to be some way to honor Kim and her passion towards education. I was fortunate to find the CREATE Foundation. Through conversations with an investment professional, I was directed toward the CARE group, which is the Alcorn County Affiliate board within CREATE. Executive Director, Mona Lisa Grady, was so patient and kind in helping me through the process. There were so many eager donors from friends, family, Kossuth High School, and especially the First Baptist Church of Corinth. The endowment gave all of those individuals and groups the opportunity to express their love for Kim and to honor her in a lasting way. Our two daughters, Catelin and Alison, were thrilled by the thought of the endowment.
I can’t say enough about how pleased I am with the handling of the financial side of the endowment. Through wise investing and careful evaluation of available funds for the scholarship each year, I can see the endowment continuing indefinitely.
In reflection, we all should look beyond ourselves and consider ways to improve the communities where we live. CREATE is a wonderful organization that is focused on that very activity. It really makes me smile to think that Kim’s passion and inspiration can be passed down through the years and possibly influence future educators in our community. Thank you CREATE!
- David Green
Rotary Club of Oxford – Edwin Moak Scholarship
The Oxford Rotary Club was chartered on March 12, 1924. Even before the Club held its first meeting the prospective members were heralded in the Oxford Eagle, “Rotarians start Move to Pave”. These new Rotarians, both University staff and City proprietors, worked together to begin the process to pave the Square with concrete. This and many more community projects became the mainstay of the Oxford Rotary Club.
As early as 1928, the Oxford Rotary was assisting and funding the needs of local Boy Scouts, 4-H Clubs, school playgrounds, and the high school football program. William Faulkner was the Scoutmaster for the Rotary sponsored Scout Troop in its formative years. Youth programs and school funding needs became a regular project item every Rotary year.
In 1970 the Oxford Rotary Club again reached out to devote its resources to a new local youth program. To this end, the Club established in May 1971, The Edwin Moak, Jr. Scholarship. This scholarship is dedicated to the memory of a courageous Oxford High School student who passed away during his senior year. Young Edwin Moak had demonstrated superior qualities of positive values, scholastic achievement, and leadership.
In recognition of Edwin’s contributions as a role model to local youth, the Oxford Rotary Club has provided a $1,000 scholarship award each year to a graduating senior from either local high school. In June of 2014, the Oxford Rotary Club approached
the CREATE Foundation for their assistance in fund management. We cannot say enough about how pleased the Club has been with the handling of the financial side of the Moak Scholarship Fund. The CREATE Foundation’s fund management has strengthened Rotary’s contributed assets. The Foundation’s administration has ensured timely fund disbursement and has assured that a scholastic criterion has been maintained.
The Oxford Rotary Club is greatly appreciative of the CREATE Foundation for maintenance of the Edwin Moak, Jr. Scholarship Fund.
The Sherry Buford Memorial Scholarship
On February 15, 2018, the Oxford-Lafayette community lost one of its most beloved teachers and friends, Sherry Buford, in a fatal car accident. Sherry Dianne Buford began teaching 6th grade mathematics in the Oxford Public School District in 2005 at Central Elementary School. Ms. Buford was a Lafayette County native and a graduate of Lafayette County High School. She possessed Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from The University of Mississippi. She was highly esteemed by family, colleagues, friends, and most importantly, her students. For all who knew and loved Sherry, we remember her for her generosity and compassion to every student, family, and person with whom she came in contact. She was especially proud of her former students who would graduate from high school and pursue undergraduate degrees. We are proud to keep and support Ms. Buford’s memory as vibrant as she was, through the Sherry Buford Memorial Scholarship. Each spring one senior from Oxford High School and Lafayette County High School will receive a $500 scholarship to support continuing their studies at a two or four-year college or university in memory of Ms. Buford. Within one year, with the support of CREATE and the Oxford-Lafayette community, we reached our goal of raising the $25,000 needed to secure the endowment. We know Ms. Buford would be proud of the support and encouragement given on her behalf through these scholarships.
Thank you to the CREATE staff who have been vital in helping us establish the scholarship fund and secure the funds to continue to spread the love and generosity of our friend, Sherry Buford.
On February 15, 2018, the Oxford-Lafayette community lost one of its most beloved teachers and friends, Sherry Buford, in a fatal car accident. Sherry Dianne Buford began teaching 6th grade mathematics in the Oxford Public School District in 2005 at Central Elementary School. Ms. Buford was a Lafayette County native and a graduate of Lafayette County High School. She possessed Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from The University of Mississippi. She was highly esteemed by family, colleagues, friends, and most importantly, her students. For all who knew and loved Sherry, we remember her for her generosity and compassion to every student, family, and person with whom she came in contact. She was especially proud of her former students who would graduate from high school and pursue undergraduate degrees. We are proud to keep and support Ms. Buford’s memory as vibrant as she was, through the Sherry Buford Memorial Scholarship. Each spring one senior from Oxford High School and Lafayette County High School will receive a $500 scholarship to support continuing their studies at a two or four-year college or university in memory of Ms. Buford. Within one year, with the support of CREATE and the Oxford-Lafayette community, we reached our goal of raising the $25,000 needed to secure the endowment. We know Ms. Buford would be proud of the support and encouragement given on her behalf through these scholarships.
Thank you to the CREATE staff who have been vital in helping us establish the scholarship fund and secure the funds to continue to spread the love and generosity of our friend, Sherry Buford.
Five Smooth Stones Scholarship
The Five Smooth Stones scholarship was created with the hopes of providing access to a dream for young, Mississippi African American students. As a young black high school student, it is often difficult to find the resources to continue secondary education. When we moved to the state of Mississippi, it was one of the lowest educational preforming states in the nation. It has since made tremendous strides. Our contribution to the education solution was to give a scholarship in hopes of continued prosperity for our state.
The reason why we chose the CREATE Foundation to administer this scholarship is because of the outstanding service and commitment, great people with a servant’s heart and a group that has impeccable integrity.
Janet and I feel blessed to not only have the ability give but to be a part of the CREATE family.
- Sean and Janet Suggs
Five Smooth Stones Scholarship
The vision of Five Smooth Stones Scholarship is to provide a path to help ensure the success of African American high school students who are aspiring to go to college. The five smooth stones represent the story of David and Goliath and how he conquered the giant with one smooth stone. Although he took five smooths tones, it only took one to accomplish his mission. Our goal is to help young African Americans to conquer their giants in life. Our hope is that these scholarships will help them start their road to success.
Dr. Marshall E. Hollis Scholarships
“I chose CREATE because it is a local, well-established foundation with a history of good investment returns. I have many friends on the Foundation Board and also know many people that have endowments with CREATE. CREATE has an outstanding program designed to help individuals and corporations provide scholarships for students in their communities and throughout northeast Mississippi. I would encourage anyone who is interested in establishing an endowment to consider the CREATE Foundation. They have always been extremely nice and helpful anytime I need assistance. I could not have attended college without the help of scholarships from endowments and trusts. God has blessed me and my family. So, I decided to set up endowments and pay it forward to help others get a college education like I did.” – Dr. Marshall E. Hollis
- Dr. Marshall E. Hollis
“I chose CREATE because it is a local, well-established foundation with a history of good investment returns. I have many friends on the Foundation Board and also know many people that have endowments with CREATE. CREATE has an outstanding program designed to help individuals and corporations provide scholarships for students in their communities and throughout northeast Mississippi. I would encourage anyone who is interested in establishing an endowment to consider the CREATE Foundation. They have always been extremely nice and helpful anytime I need assistance. I could not have attended college without the help of scholarships from endowments and trusts. God has blessed me and my family. So, I decided to set up endowments and pay it forward to help others get a college education like I did.” – Dr. Marshall E. Hollis
- Dr. Marshall E. Hollis
Dr. Marshall E. Hollis Family Health Care Scholarship Fund
To be eligible for the scholarship, a student must show an interest in a health care field; be a graduating senior from a high school in Tippah County; have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and have a minimum ACT score of 20; plan to enroll in a college as a full-time student; and show examples of leadership in community or school programs.
Dr. Marshall E. Hollis Family Scouting Scholarship Fund
To be eligible for this scholarship, a student must be an Eagle Scout (boys) or a Gold Award Scout (girl); be a graduating senior from a high school from one of the counties of the Yocona Area Council or Girl Scouts Heart of the South; have a minimum GPA of 2.S and a minimum ACT score of 18; plan to enroll in a college as a full-time student; and show examples of leadership in community or school programs.
Dr. Marshall E. Hollis Family 4-H Scholarship
This scholarship is based on financial need and 4-H leadership. To be eligible for this scholarship, a student must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and a minimum ACT score of 18; be a graduating senior from a high school in Tippah County; be an active member of Tippah County 4-H Club; show a leadership role in local club, county, and state 4-H events; be involved in other school church, and community activities; and plan to enroll in a college as a full-time student.
The McLean Legacy Society honors those forward-thinking individuals who have let the Foundation know that they have plan to leave a gift to the community through a bequest, trust, life insurance policy, or retirement plan. CREATE extends its gratitude to them for making northeast Mississippi a better place now and in the future. Since gifts are usually entrusted to CREATE at the end of the donor’s life, we generally have little or no opportunity to demonstrate the recognition and appreciation that such meaningful acts deserve. Now, however, the McLean Legacy Society provides a way for CREATE to thank donors and ensure their gifts will be recognized during their lifetime.